First book on Antarctica banned on social media and parts of the USA ! and I published it !

Of all the books I have created on Antarctica over the years I have only had one that I was forced to Bowdlerize and reprint to get around social media censorship including facebook.

I was very pleased with my design and translation of the text and sure did not expect the reaction I got.

Look the background book cover photo,
it is one that I took when in Antarctica !

And yes I am one of the few antarctic Book publishers that has been to Antarctica !

Walmart is a dangerous Organisation !

This is because you previously posted something that didn't follow our Community Standards.
This post goes against our standards on dangerous individuals and organisations, so only you and the admins of Antarctica and the South Pole can see it.
For those that do not believe me when I say shops in the USA change the name of my book as they can not use the N word on a book title
Antarctic Exploration: Hitler's Escape to South America and Secret Bases in Antarctica (Historic Series) -
Antarctic Exploration: Hitler's Escape to South America and Secret Bases in Antarctica (Historic Series) -
Buy Antarctic Exploration: Hitler's Escape to South America and Secret Bases in Antarctica (Historic Series) at

The funny thing is that my banned edition is the one Book collectors want, well apart from those that want both editions, the banned one and the Bowdlerized one.

The Bowdlerized one is just the same just the same with an amended title and new isbn 9781901037111
you can find it on Amazon, just as good and the same price.

Heck if you buy it from me direct I will sign it for you.

For those of you living in the USA and want the banned book .... you can ...But you will notice that even Amazon will miss off the first word due to it being banned in parts of the States and on lots of social media

Antarctic Exploration: Hitler's Escape to South America and Secret Bases in Antarctica (Historic Series) Hardcover 

This is the ISBN of the banned book 9781901037081
Take a look for yourself ! here is the link showing how the title has been changed, but not the book cover. this is Amazon USA

Now in the UK we are allowed to use the word in book titles

At the moment I am having fun with what words you can use on book titles in the main social media, I had to republish my Germany in Antarctic book as the word Nazl was in the title which is a no go word for a book title in the USA or social media and so had to re name it.

I can sell it all over the world but not talk about it on facebook or Youtube. 

Another word that took me by suprise is that of 'Plantationone author told me she had to change it to Estate as Plantation is only linked to slavery in the US bookworld.

All my posts on on the book on facebook were removed, I complained to Facebook over the censorship of my book and book groups and in return they removed my account, I did have a few spare ones but they have traced them and removed them along with my Facebook Bookshop which I paid facebook for adverts on.

It is facebooks version of a FATWA with less dead bodies 

I tried to create a new one but the removed that within an hour.

 Your account has been disabled

You can't use Facebook or Messenger because your account, or activity on it, didn't follow our Community Standards.

We have already reviewed this decision and it can't be reversed.

To learn more about the reasons why we disable accounts, visit the Community Standards.


 We've suspended your account

ON 19 MAY 2022

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You have 30 days after we first took action on your account to disagree, or your account will be permanently disabled. There are 30 days remaining.




Your account has been permanently disabled for not following the Facebook Community Standards. Unfortunately, we won't be able to reactivate it for any reason.


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You can't use Facebook or Messenger because your account, or activity on it, didn't follow our Community Standards.
We have already reviewed this decision and it can't be reversed.
To learn more about the reasons why we disable accounts, visit the Community Standards.

My video on the book I posted on youtube was a violation of thr rules and the video got a permanate ban on it, stopping it from ever being uploaded by anyone in the future.  I know as others did try for me! 

This is the video tell me why it was banned as hate speach

When you post a video you can give some text on it and also enter some key words so that people can find it when they do a search 

It fell foul of a keyword search which was my fault as I was honest and said it was about:







·                             Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines.

·                             Because it's the first time, your account isn't affected. You're only warned once and this warning will remain on your channel.

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·                             You won't be able to do things like upload, post or live stream for 1 week.



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