Lots of myths on Byrds Operation Highjump in Antarctica

Lots of myths on Byrds Operation Highjump like flying underground which can be ignored, but some interesting things have been said in the film documentaries of the day.

Where are the walls of coal that were talked about in the late 1940s? I know the USA were very interested in claiming mining rights in the 1940s but walls of coal?

And warm water lakes?

As for the fresh warm water lakes that have started many a myth at a guess, I would say not warm but above freezing melt water lakes of Queen Mauds land, which were mapped by the German expedition in 1936.

For those interested in the mapping of these lakes should read my book Antarctic Exploration Germany in Antarctica isbn 9781901037111.

One surprise to me when looking at the films made at the time is the aircraft having enough fuel to fly to Queen Mauds land from Little America and back again in 1947.


ISBN 9781901037111



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