Polar Crean Tom Crean Antarctic Explorer isbn 9781901037197

 Polar Crean 

Tom Crean Antarctic Explorer 

isbn 9781901037197

Ebay Link


This is a first edition case bound hardback, which contains a number of Photographs and maps of Antarctica which appeared with a Tom Crean feature after his death by Dennis Barry.


The rest of the book contains photos showing Discovery just fitted out from

the News and Views section in the Black and White Budget Magazine 1901,

The exploration of the South Pole. The wonders of the coming Discovery as part of Anglo-Germanic Expedition by Sir Henry Leach.

 Sport in the Antarctic: The games that were played by the Men of the “Discovery” by Bernard C. Carter


Animal Life in the Antarctic by S Kemp

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/85105517-


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