Germany in Antarctica During World War 2

 Germany in Antarctica During World War 2

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This famous book dating from 1947 started off all the stories of Hitler in Antarctica, you can now own your own copy of this wonderful book 

Leading up to the later stories and conspiracy theories of the Americans being attacked by Nazi Wunderwaffe during Operation HighJump.

 ISBN 9781901037067  


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This wonderful hardback facsimile is of a now rare book published in ParisFrance in 1947 in paperback form and written in French by Ladislas Szabo a Hungarian born Argentine living in Argentina at the end of the Second World War. All the stories of Hitler escaping to Germany first started with this book, as it explains in detail how Hitler using a phantom convoy of U-boats was able to flee Europe and reach the relative safety of South America, and then on to Antarctica. This is this book that the Ex Captain of U-Boat 977, Heinz Schaeffer talks about in his 1952 book "U-Boat 977" where he talks about surprisingly discovering that his was one of the ships named to have helped Hitler reach to Antarctica. The book goes on to give details on Nazi underground bases in Antarctica, again from this one book you will see how all the movies showing Hitler and Nazi bases hidden in Antarctica were created even leading up to the later stories and conspiracy theories of the Americans being attacked by Nazi Wunderwaffe during Operation HighJump. 

Just published Nazis in Antarctica 

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This book covers Antarctica in the 1920s to 1940s, before, during and after the Schwabenland Expedition, a fully illustrated book showing a hidden side to the continent of Antarctica and maybe showing something that is missing from the standard history books.
ISBN: 9781901037081

See it on Amazon

These books were what movies were turned into such as:  


MM. George C. Manshall, Vyacheslav Molotov, Ernest Bevin and Georges Bidault. Excellencies, The guns fell silent but peace has not yet returned to earth. Almost two years after the end of the fight, the feeling of insecurity continues to dominate the minds of the crowds. Guided by an infallible instinct, people realize that Nazism remains a hidden peril. They know that Hitlerism was only defeated in the fields of battle and wait for the opportunity to take revenge. This fear is not exaggerated. Is there, by any chance, a pen capable of describing the horrors that humanity would have to endure if Nazism triumphed again? Could anyone foresee how far the madness of the currently deeply humiliated Hitlerism would reach, if by some eventuality it succeeded in dominating the world ? The danger is palpable and he acquires proportions of larger and larger, as the recently discovered bacterial conspiracy in Germany clearly demonstrates. 

The underground organizations of Nazism will cease to exist as such when they have enough strength to reappear in the light of day, and they will not hesitate to return to open struggle as soon as they receive the Fuhrer's instructions. Because, in an immense majority, the Germans believe, and not without reason, that Hitler is not dead. 

Excellencies, On July 16, 1945, the author of this work published in the columns of the Argentinian newspaper Critica an extensive and amply documented article on Hitler's flight and Location of his refuge. The events at the time fully corroborated the assertions made in the said article and made it possible to shed light, even in its smallest details, this astounding mystification which has no precedent in history. Yes, Hitler is alive and he must be stopped before it is too late. This book, based on carefully filtered documentation and written with a full sense of the responsibility, is a cry of alarm to men who love peace and freedom.

There is no doubt that Your Excellencies will appreciate the concrete facts set out in his pages and that they will take without delay the appropriate measures to avoid a new storm of blood and fire, the consequences of which would be catastrophic for the whole world. Thereby ecite the conscience of Your Excellencies and the supreme duty of the Big Four to Mankind.


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